SCC+ is an improvement of SCC15 (Superlife Colon Care 15) due to request by members for a natural product that will naturally prevent a person from gaining unhealthy weight as well as help those with obesity (unhealthy weight gain) to naturally reduce weight. SCC+ is clearly a product to solve this by adding a natural ingredient called sinetrol to the SCC15. So the weight reducing property of SCC+ will be on ONLY those whose weight gained is unhealthy and those with obesity and will prevent all others from obesity and unhealthy weight gain. Hence if you are already obese or already gaining unhealthy weight, SCC+ will help reverse and normalise this. And to all others who are not gaining any unhealthy weight, SCC+ will only prevent you from unhealthy weight gain as well as the severer form, obesity.
This innovative product is through the efforts of Dr. Julian Cases, a renowned scientist in the wellness industry who is head of the Innovative and Scientific Affairs of Fytexia, a French company. You can google to learn more about this great company called Fytexia, SUPERLIFE has been lucky to partner with for this breakthrough product called SCC+.
in summary, SCC+ will be able to solve all health challenges SCC15 was made for. And with now more health challenges covered like unhealthy weight gain and obesity.
So besides the above, anyone suffering from diseases of the digestive system like stomach or duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, constipation, indigestion, fatty liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, colon cancer and any other cancers of any organ of the digestive system, among others.
All our SuperLife products are GMP stamped. What does that mean?
GMP or cGMP (which stand for ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’ and ‘Current Good Manufacturing Practices’, respectively) are a set of best practices for dietary supplement manufacturing.
This means that our products are safe and will not cause any side effects.
If you have tried other supplements before, it is now time to access something more powerful and trusted to end your pain and discomfort completely.